es en fr

Business plan

The goal

Farmitank is the result of several R&D projects carried out between 2017 and 2023, which have allowed us to develop the technology and validate it in real environments before its launch on the market. Based on this experience, we strongly recommend our customers to start operating the minimum viable system during the first year to learn how and what to grow, train growers, analyse yields, quality, benefits and production costs before installing a production tank or a facility with different tanks.

Thanks to the modularity and scalability of the system, we can manufacture tanks of different sizes, offering solutions for both research and production. All available versions have a diameter of 6 metres, so the required floor area is always the same and the equipment can be used for any version. The height of the tank can be designed in the range between 4 to 18 meters.

Our business plan:


  • Size: 6m diameter and 4m high
  • Number of layers: Between 2 and 5 (adjustable height)
  • Growing area: From 20m2 to 50m2
  • Labour and accessibility: Without elevator
  • Dynamic spectrum and intensity lights
  • Climate and ventilation controlled on each level
  • Automated irrigation system
  • Control software from PC and smartphone

Application: Ideal for getting started in the world of vertical farming. Recommended for research, training, analysis of production costs and yields and consequently for developing the business plan.


  • Size: 6m diameter and up to 18m high
  • Number of layers: Between 10 and 30 (adjustable height)
  • Growing area: From 130m2 to 390m2
  • Labour and accessibility: With integrated elevator
  • Dynamic or static lights, at the customer´s request
  • Different climatic zones on request
  • Automated irrigation system
  • All-in-one software with on-site control, PC and smartphone
  • • Possibility of integrating automation into the elevator

Application: Recommended for clients with previous experience in vertical farming. Suitable for small and medium, both mono-varietal and multi-varietal, as this solution allows mixing different crop varieties, adjusting to different climatic and irrigation zones upon request.


  • Size: Several tanks of 6m diameter and 18m high
  • Growing area: More than 500m2
  • Labour and accessibility: Each tank has its own elevator, and they are all connected through a central corridor.
  • Individualized or centralized air handling units and irrigation systems, at the client´s request.
  • Portable sowing, transplanting and harvesting machines that serve several tanks.

Application: Recommended for large productions, both mono-varietal and multi-varietal (specialization by tank), and with previous experience with Farmitank.



Phone: 967140855 Fax: 967145875
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