es en fr


Growing of agricultural or horticultural crops in vertical stacked layers inside a building under fully controlled-environment conditions, including climate, lighting and soilless farming techniques as hydroponics.

This technology allows you to grow crops anywhere in the world regardless of external climatic conditions. Vertical farming turns agriculture into an industrial process which constant costs, production and quality are achieved.

Enviriomental impact

Water consumption reduction

Reducción de consumo de agua

Up to 95% less water than traditional agriculture. 70% of our water supply is used for agriculture. It is estimated that in 2050 this percentage will be increased to 85%.

Pesticides and herbicides free

Pesticides and herbicides free

As they are closed and controlled systems, there is no risk of damage caused by external agents or pests, so  the product is always free of pesticides and herbicides.
“At the same time that we protect the planet, we take care of our health”.

Less food mileage

Less food mileage

By growing at places of consumption or processing factories carbon footprint is significantly reduced. Nowadays, our food travels an average of 1500 kilometres to get to our homes. During this journey, crops lose a considerable amount of nutrients, meaning a 50% fall in their nutritional value in the next days after harvest.

Less food waste

Less food waste

At present, 40% of the production does not reach the consumer due to loses before and after harvest. Indoor systems increase the amount of useful product. Besides, they get products with larger shelf life, due to food takes less time to get at the consumption point, thus less food is thrown away.

Minimun floor area ratio

Minimun floor area ratio

250 times more productive than traditional agriculture per sqm of land. According to recent studies, it is estimated that in 2050 an area as large as Brazil would be needed to supply the global demand for agricultural products.

Location near to the costumer area

Ubicación cerca de puntos de consumo

These systems favour the development of sustainable and self-sufficient cities since they can be installed near to the consumer area, distribution centres or processing factories.

Building consumer acceptance


Cultivos sin tierra

Soilless cultivation

Hydroponics was already used during the Ancient Egypt. However, nowadays it has been optimized thanks to technological advances, as it is widely used in greenhouses and indoor crops.


Top quality products

Making the consumer know that the product has been cultivated under optimal conditions and free of pesticides and herbicides adds value to the product and ensures top quality.

“Customers seeks confidence, not labels”.

Productos de máxima calidad


Cómo, cuándo y dónde se produce

How, when and where is produced

This information encourages consumer´s acceptance. In the near future, Blockchain (or Foodchain) will provide total transparency and security. These growing systems allow you to access easily to all kind of product information, meaning a total produce traceability.


New culinary experiences

By controlling the photosynthesis, climate conditions and water quality and composition, crops do not suffer the stress they are subjected to in the open field. This results in better flavours with less bitterness and smoother textures. Thus, it is possible to design tailored crops based on the market demands.

Nuevas experiencias culinarias

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