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Farmitank at Greentech Amsterdam 2022 fair

Parcitank was attend the Greentech fair, held on June 14 to 16 in Amsterdam. More than 500 exhibitors from 121 countries gathered at this edition. At this fair, the latest advances in the Farmitank system were showed, as well as the socioeconomic and environmental advantages that are intended to be demonstrated with the LIFE FARMITANK project.

In this fifth edition of Greentech, the technology developed and patented by Parcitank was showed for the first time, with great acceptance and interest among visitors. Most of them highlighted the low area of ​​land needed for its installation, the modularity, the scalability and the innovation that this solution represents in comparison with current vertical farming solutions on the market. This attendance served to meet potential clients and investors and also to meet again with suppliers and stakeholders of the project after two years of the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The fair was attended by Vicente Parra, Cristian Nieves, Tony Jerez and José Ángel Ruiz on behalf of the Parcitank R&D department.

This was undoubtedly a very positive experience for Parcitank and the LIFE FARMITANK project. There is an intention to repeat it in the 2023 edition where the results obtained in the production trials that will begin in the last quarter of 2022 may be disclosed.

greentech, fair, communication, virtual reality
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