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Farmitank has been awarded by the WSS with the gold medal in the Market Development category

The World Stainless Steel Association (WSS) has awarded, in May 2022, the Farmitank project at the awards ceremony that annually distinguishes good practices and innovative ideas in areas such as Market Development, Safety and Sustainability.

Within the different award-winning categories, the Farmitank project was awarded in the market development category, in which the jury was looking for original concepts that promoted bespoke stainless steel projects, had significant market potential and offered significant environmental improvements. The gold medal in this category went to the concept of "vertical farming", a project whose objective is to produce crops anywhere in the world regardless of external climatic conditions, turning agriculture into an industrial process with costs, production and quality. constants.

This award was collected by Acerinox and its CEO was grateful for winning this award, being the company in the Stainless Steel sector that received the most awards for yet another year.

farmitank, vertical farming, wss, gold medal, stainless steel, parcitank
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